Many people see, hear, and experience the depravity of sin. Murder. Hate. Theft. Envy. Sadness. Depression. And much more. Each day, people are affected by this condition to think or act in evil ways because of the sin within us. 

But it wasn’t always this way.

When God created this world, he did so to spend it with his creation of animals, birds, fish, and man and woman, who were created in his image. They were naked and unashamed in their ways as they had no thought or concept of sin.

They lived in a garden and could eat the fruit of every tree but one, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God told the man, whose name was Adam, not to eat of this tree or they would surely die. But they were later tempted to eat this fruit and ushered the sin we see and experience around us today.

Because of man’s disobedience and sin, we could no longer live in the garden or live eternally with God. Sin separated us from a holy and righteous God.

In the moments following man’s sin, God made a way for mankind’s relationship to be eternally restored. As God communed with man through one man and family, the people of Israel, He established a temporary means for mankind to be considered righteous before Him, the sacrifices of animals. However, there was yet another sacrifice to be made to restore our relationship forever.

In the process of time, God decided to come to the earth as a man to give his life for the creation he created. Jesus was born on the earth as the Son of God and lived a sinless, righteous life. He would serve as an eternal sacrifice for man’s sin to restore the relationship between man and God forever. 

Jesus once said that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son and everyone who believes in him will have eternal life. This eternal life restores the original purpose God established with mankind when he created the earth. 

Everyone who believes in Jesus…

Through Jesus, God offers you and me salvation from our sinful nature. Salvation is a gift that comes without cost or any specific effort on our part. It is free. The price was paid by Jesus and we receive salvation through accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior.

See, when mankind disobeyed God, we chose to be like God, knowing good and evil. And in many respects, we became our god to follow our nature and ways. Now through Jesus, he wants us to lay down our rule to allow Him to rule over us.

In accepting Jesus’ lordship, we become citizens of the kingdom of God. Then, for the remainder of our days on earth, we live in obedience to Jesus’ ways which will allow him to be known by those around us. He gives us gifts and responsibilities to share with those around us as we joyfully await our eternal life with God forever.

To accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will say:


I believe in you as the Son of God,

I repent of my sins,

I want you to be the Lord and Savior of my life.

This decision is one of the most important of your life, but it doesn’t come without considering its cost. Jesus says we must do so before making such a decision.

Sadly, many people place their faith in Jesus without first considering the cost of following him. They may not understand that believing in Jesus doesn’t guarantee all of their problems to go away or that they will be automatically healed from disease but it does mean that God will be with you to guide you to live a righteous, faithful life toward an eternal life with him. 

Now, the same enemy that tempted Adam to eat the fruit will come against you, often through those who are not committed to Jesus. But there is hope despite the sin and evil that may exist around you, and it comes through eternal life with God.

Receiving salvation is God’s gift to the world, and all we must do is believe.

What we provided here is a brief history and description of the world, sin, and salvation that comes through Jesus. To receive more details and read associated scriptures, please read our FREE book, Advancing the Kingdom: God’s Plan for Redeeming His Creation

If you prayed the prayer above or have questions, please contact us. We are available to answer any questions you have and welcome you into the family of God. 


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