Many days you think about when you’ll become ‘somebody.’ You want more money, a larger position at work, and be famous (among our peers). You want it so much that you may forget about the beauty that surrounds you everyday.
You are a father. You are a mother. You are a brother or sister. You are a family member. You are a co-worker. You are a supervisor. You are a friend. You are a children of God.
There is great beauty in who you are right now. Take a moment to consider the beauty of the relationships that surround you. May you see the benefit of your current job. May you love coming home to our family. May you see the grace and mercy given to you by God everyday. May you enjoy where the Lord has you, for there is a purpose in you being there.
Each person around you has value. May you see their value and not overlook them at the expense of other stuff that may never come. May you come to understand the significance of your own value as the Lord has shed His love on you through His Son.
Psalm 118:24 – This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
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