Hannah lived with her husband, Elkanah, and his second wife Peninnah and her children (1 Samuel 1:1-28). The first description of Hannah her lack of children. In ancient Israel, a barren woman was seen as a sign of a woman’s and family’s greatest misfortune.1 Though Hannah bore him no children, he still loved her (1 Samuel 1:5).
When her family went up to the house of the Lord in Shiloh, Peninnah and her children would receive their portion, but Hannah received a worthy portion from Elkanah because of his love for her. Even as she endured the shutting of her womb by the Lord, her adversary provoked her sore, causing her to fret (1 Samuel 1:6). This provocation occurred year after year as she went up to the house of the Lord. She would cry and not eat.
When Elkanah saw her, he asked why she was crying, wouldn’t eat, and heart was grieved (1 Samuel 1:8). He asked if was better to her than ten sons she could bear him. Though she would eat and drink, she went into the temple of the Lord in bitterness of soul, prayed unto Him, and wept sore (1 Samuel 1:10).
While in the temple, she vowed that if the Lord would give her a boy, she would give him back unto Him all the days of his life and no razor would come upon his head (1 Samuel 1:11-12). After being mistaken for being drunk by Eli the priest, he sent her away in peace asking the God of Israel to grant her petition. She departed and ate, and her countenance was no longer sad.
When Elkanah returned home, Hannah became pregnant and bore a son and named him Samuel (1 Samuel 1:19-20). After Hannah weaned him, she brought him to Eli at the house of the Lord in Shiloh. She said, “Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord. For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the Lord; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the Lord” (1 Samuel 1:26-28).
When considering the trials and tribulations of Hannah, a few thoughts come to mind:
1. Elkanah proved to be a good and loving husband. Though she was kept barren by the Lord, he did all he could to show his love and concern for her. Though he provided gifts, it could not match the affliction and provocation she was facing. This was not to say what the Elkanah was doing wasn’t important or loving, but they were only temporary and fleeting comforts in the larger picture of the desires of their soul.
As our spouses, family members, and close friends experience various struggles in their lives, may we be ever mindful to show compassion and do as much good to them as possible. May we be sensitive to their plight and help them along their way. No matter how good we may be to them, it may never fill the void within their heart, mind, and soul. Therefore, we should become upset, if are actions are not ‘working.’
2. Adversaries come…and adversaries go. Sadly, there will be people around us that will gloat at our trials and even seek to heap more trouble unto us. Though Hannah’s adversary brought her to a ‘place’ where she wept and was unwilling to eat, she continued to go to the house of the Lord.
When many people face trials and tribulations, one of the last places they’ll be found is in the house of the Lord. However, they may not realize that the Lord is their greatest help, comfort, and supporter in their plight. Don’t allow enemies to keep you from the One who can help you, strengthen you, encourage you, and bring you out of your trials and tribulations. Keep going to the house of the Lord.
3. Hannah was a woman of God…a lady with class. Though Hannah faced a difficult adversary which brought her to tears and drove her not to eat, she didn’t retaliate against her adversary, nor did she speak of this adversary to Elkanah. Hannah didn’t see revenge as an option in her plight. She was suffering and was hurt, but she spent her time focused on the Lord rather than on a negative, quarreling person.
Don’t become sidetracked fighting your accusers. Keep your eyes on the Lord and your ‘prize’ of expectation.
4. Hannah returned the one thing she wanted back to the Lord. Considering the years of barrenness and the trials from her adversary, Hannah gave her son back unto God. She wanted God to remember her and show her favor by opening her womb. After all those years, God remembered her and she kept her vow unto God.
5. Elkanah supported and honored Hannah’s vow to give Samuel back unto God. When it was time to return to the house of the Lord for their yearly sacrifice, Hannah remained behind until Samuel was weaned before bringing him before the Lord. He told her to do what seemed good to her and to wait until Samuel was weaned. Those closest to us need a supporter, not another adversary.
6. Don’t allow trials and tribulations to destroy your family’s unity. Even though Elkanah had a large family with two wives, he provided for each person. He didn’t allow Hannah’s struggles to disrupt his relationship with her or his other wife and children.
7. Peninnah’s desires show. Other bible translations show Peninnah as Hannah’s adversary (or rival). She may have been jealous of Hannah because of the attention Elkanah had given her. As Hannah desired her womb to be opened, Peninnah may have desired the love of her husband, however, she choose to become an adversary to Hannah rather than find some other means to address her frustration.
8. Patience, righteousness, faithfulness, and godliness pays off. God remembered her, opened her womb, and would later give her three sons and two daughters…while Samuel grew before the Lord (1 Samuel 2:21).
1 – International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.
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