Within many men is the desire to be a protector and provider. You can see this in their thoughts and decisions. They want to ensure every need is met and every heart is full. Every need. Every heart.
But what happens when the hero tries to save everyone? What becomes of the hero’s primary mission?
Throughout the Bible, there’s a theme where God uses enemies to advance His will and propel His people toward their destiny and purpose.
If you have enemies coming against you:
Suffering through trials, trying times, and other difficulties are hard days. Our hearts and souls mourn for relief. Tears run down our face. Pieces of our heart fall away. We want to quit and find the nearest exit out of our situations.
As difficult as these times are, they are the very environment where we grow and build ourselves as God’s children. These are the opportunities to teach us to love our enemies, bless those who curse us, do good to them that hate us, pray for those who despitefully use us and persecute us, and be obedient to the Father’s will.
Jesus, I need You…
1–It is an emotional ‘event.’ Think of your emotions as a gas tank. A person only has so much to give and loosing close relative drains most of it.
Each time a person comes to the house or calls, especially within the first 24 hours, the close relatives have to draw from that ‘tank’ to gain enough energy and emotional strength to have a conversation.
Live in such a way that you die well.
Don’t slip back into old ways of sin. Remain holy unto God.
Keep your eyes on the prize of eternal life.
Prepare yourself to win.
The battle is already won. Jesus overcame the world. Just stand.
May the Lord shape your life into a beautiful tapestry for His glory.
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