Focus on the Lord when the world or your flesh wants you to look at things you shouldn’t. Keep your body full of light by setting your eyes on the right things.
I pray you will find peace and rest for your souls in Christ Jesus.
Each day we walk, drive, and work around people who do not know the Lord. God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son. May our hearts reach out to those among us to share our testimony and the Gospel, letting our light shine in the midst of darkness.
God has not forgotten you. He makes everything beautiful in its time.
There are so many issues that seek to weigh us down. We worry and stress over them constantly. We cannot sleep, we have no peace, and our minds get no rest. In Christ, we have the ability to place every burden and care we have upon Him. We can exchange our worry for worship; our stress for sleep; and our problems for perfect peace. The Lord is waiting for you to come to Him…find your rest in Him.
Sin binds many in desperation, stress, and condemnation. Darkness keeps them in fear, shame, and guilt. But all who come to Jesus will experience something darkness will never know: freedom in the Light. Come out of darkness and turn to the Lord. Repent of your sins and He will cleanse you. (Ref. 1 John 1:5-10).
In Judges 3:1-2, the Lord left nations to test Israel, but also to teach them to know war. There may be times in our lives when difficult people and situations are placed in our lives to grow and develop us. Though it might not be pleasant on our flesh, let us lean on God and count our trials and tribulations as a joy because they can mold us into strong, mature believers who trust in God…becoming perfect and entire, wanting nothing. (Ref. Judges 3:1-2; James 1:1-8)
May God’s Word bring comfort, conviction, and correction that you might be cleansed and presented before Him holy and perfect, without any blemishes. (Ref. Ephesians 5:25-27; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)
When life has you stressed, frustrated, and anxious, I want to encourage you to take your concerns and cares to God. Give them to Him, knowing He loves you and will answer you. Allow His peace to guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. (Ref. Philippians 1:6, 4:6-7)
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